Tuesday, December 31, 2019
What You Need to Be the Ideal Internal Auditor Finance Accounting
What You Need to Be the Ideal Internal Auditor Finance AccountingWhat You Need to Be the Ideal Internal Auditor Finance AccountingWhat are the qualities that are essential for internal auditors who want to gain a professional edge in a constantly shifting business environment? Robert Half and The Institute of Internal Auditors released a white paper outlining just those attributes. Gone are the days when employers looked just for functional knowledge when evaluating job candidates for internal auditor. Theyre assessing non-technical skills as well.If youre an internal auditor or would like to become one, you may be interested in these seven attributes of highly effective internal auditors to help your career. If youre a manager, hiring someone with these attributes will improve and simplify your hiring and retention processes, help you build a world-class gruppe and strengthen your reputation.1. Integrity This characteristic is a must-have quality at all levels of the function. Int ernal auditors need to exhibit integrity as well as trust, independence and objectivity in all their work. Resiliency represents another facet of integrity.2. Relationship building Cultivating trust and respect with other professionals throughout the business helps to build productive, highly collaborative and mutually beneficial relationships.3. Partnering Effective partnering hinges on service orientation, or the ability to go out and execute via partnership with the business and operational leaders. It also requires the ability to spot and share best practices.4. Communication Effective communication extends beyond well-written reports and into verbal communication. Internal auditors need to maintain an ongoing and two-way (i.e., talking and listening) dialogue, both formally and informally, with the rest of the enterprise.5. Teamwork Intense collaboration can be required among auditors with different areas of technical expertise. Key attributes include the ability to influence, lead and empathize, supported by sharp business acumen. Teamwork and team building has its challenges, but they can be addressed.6. DiversityChanging demographics and the accelerating pace of globalization require internal audit functions to influence and consult with a variety of ethnicities, nationalities, ages, cultures and subcultures.7. Continuous learning Are you naturally inquisitive? Do you refuse to accept a surface explanation? Intensely curious internal audit talent involves people who embrace learning and remain curious within environments that can change on a weekly or daily basis.Theres more to learn about the internal auditing career path, including salary expectations. Subscribe to our newsletterWhen you subscribe to the Robert Half newsletter, youll get articles and resources to help you build a successful career in accounting and finance - all sent directly to your inbox. Click the button below to sign up todaySUBSCRIBE NOW
Thursday, December 26, 2019
Monster Canada Reports Successful Second Online Career Fair
Monster Canada Reports Successful Second Online Career ritterlich Monster Canada Reports Successful Second Online Career Fair Speaking before the second event, Monster Canada senior vice-president of international sales and general manager Peter Gilfillan recounted the success of the first event and noted his great expectations going forward. Monsters first Virtual Career Fair in April was hugely popular and the high level of activity clearly demonstrated how having an active online career strategy is the way of the future both for successful job seekers and employers. Our current Virtual Career Fair is sure to drive even more interest and results as the word spreads. Weve designed the Virtual Career Fair to open up a whole new world of valuable career connections to job seekers and employers. The results have been truly exciting.The online career fair removes a number of inherent obstacles that were begrudgingly accepted as part of the traditional job fair model. Recruiters and ca ndidates can now save valuable time and travel expenses by working through the virtual event, and both groups have all their documents and resources at their fingertips for easy transfer. The events provide all employers and job seekers the opportunity to connect and drive their employment decisions forward through an efficient and easy-to-use channel.The Monster Virtual Career Fair provided us with a phenomenal opportunity to gain exposure to job seekers across the entire country from the comfort of our own office, said an HR representative from Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. The ability to share information through videos, banners, and downloads provided us with an opportunity to educate a huge audience. With no travel expenses and the ability to access thousands of job seekers per day, this unique and innovative event eliminates all the limitations associated with traditional career fairs.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
How to Juggle Work and a Sick Child
How to Juggle Work and a Sick ChildHow to Juggle Work and a Sick ChildRarely is it convenient for working parents to stay home with a sick child. When you see your childs nose running, you reach for a tissue but also say a special prayer Please, please dont let my child get sick. If the prayer isnt answered anxiety can bubble up because you will be unsure how your work will react if you need to take a day off or have to work from home while taking care of your poor little kid. To help lessen anxiety over a sick day here are some ideas for keeping a sick child from wreaking havoc with your work schedule. Save up a Few Personal Days You can count on a baby or toddler in daycare coming home with a cold or ear infection a couple of times each flu season. School-age children are notorious for passing germs back and forth. If you have a few personal days saved up for these occasions youll feel less anxious about taking time off. Create a Plan With Your Supervisor Proactively meet with your manager to create a plan and set priorities for when your child is sick. This is important if you dont receive paid time off. Bringing it up ahead of time helps you anticipate if youll have a rigid or flexible work schedule and earns brownie points for when you call in at 7 a.m. after being up all night with a vomiting preschooler. Stay Ahead of Your Work Manage your work so you get the most important tasks done early in the day. That way, when you get a 3 p.m. call to pick up a sick child at school or daycare, youll be able to leave the office with major projects on track. Make a Plan With Your Significant Other Talk to your spouse or partner about how youll handle sick children. If your spouses work schedule cant accommodate sick days, find a way to make up for you shouldering the load. Maybe he (or she) can return home early so you can catch up on work at night. Or take a weekend day to come into the office while your spouse handles things at home. Create Em ergency Caregivers Cultivate emergency caregivers among your friends, neighbors, and acquaintances. You will most likely need help at some point and these relationships can carry you through.Look for favors you can do for your neighbors and fellow parents from school or daycare. Talk to your childs aunts, uncles, andgrandparents about babysittingin an emergency. Be clear about the precautions you will take to keep them from getting sick. (This is easier when your child can feed and dress herself and merely needs an adult in the house.) Research Back-Up Care Many cities have an organization offering prescreened caregivers who will come to your house at the last minute to watch your child. They usually charge a hefty fee. Moreover, your child wont know the person and may have someseparation anxietywhen you leave for work. Still, its good to have a phone number on hand and to understand how the tafelgeschirr works before your child gets sick. The last thing you want is to be askin g about background checks at 8 a.m. when you have a 9 a.m. meeting. Another possible resource foremergencychild careis your childs school or child care center. Ask around to see if teachers or teachers aides are looking for extra work and have a flexible schedule. Stay in touch with teachers you like who leave the school they may be happy to pick up occasional babysitting during theworkday. Prevent the Illness Its tempting to ignore sniffles or a small cough and hope that they go away. But if your child starts sneezing on a Saturday morning, pay attention. It may be a warning sign of an upcoming virus. If your kid seems to be lagging a bit, consider adjusting your weekend schedule to include more rest. A late night at the movies may be the stress that turns the sniffles into a full-blown cold, when a short video at home, early bedtime and big glass of orange juice wouldve nipped it in the bud. In fact, you can ward off some colds by always planning a family schedule that includ es downtime and lots of healthy sleep. Overscheduled kids who stay up too late are more likely to get sick. Edited by Elizabeth McGrory
Monday, December 16, 2019
Top 10 Jobs for Business Majors
Top 10 Jobs for geschftsleben MajorsTop 10 Jobs for geschftliches miteinander MajorsBusiness majors develop many valuable skills and areas of knowledge that enable them to make a significant contribution to the corporate and not-for-profit worlds. They can think in numbers. Business majors can quantify a set of data, evaluate the financial impact of decisions, and use figures to back up their proposals. College students who major in geschftliches miteinander learn to write in a clear and concise manner while crafting case analyses and other business papers for their classes. Professors often require them to complete projects in groups so they learn the challenges and value of teamwork while refining their presentation and leadership skills. Skills Business Majors Have Dissecting business problems and recommending solutions help business majors to enhance their critical thinking and analytical skills. They learn to use information technology tools to gather, organize, and represen t data for presentations and papers. Knowledge acquired in core subjects like marketing, management, human resources, and accounting prepare business majors to lead others in the workplace. With classes like business law and business ethics, students gain a legal and ethical perspective of the world around them. In addition, business students gain a global perspective and an appreciation for the value of diversity by studying business practices in other cultures. Top 10 Jobs for Business Majors Your personal values, skills, and interests will influence your final choice of a career, but below are some alternatives to consider as you go through the decision-making process. 1. Accountant Accountantshelp organizations to finance their operations, abide by government regulations, save money, and maximize their profits. They tapinto the financial knowledge and skills learned in college to make sound decisions about an organizations resources. Accountants represent and communicate business information that is used by colleagues to operate more effectively, and by investors to make sound decisions about their investments. Accountants conduct auditsand provide consulting and tax planning services. They often move on to leadership positions within the finance division of their organization or client organizations. All types of business, governmental nonprofit, and educational organizations enlist the services of accountants. Salary According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics(BLS), the median annual income for accountants in May 2018 welches $70,500. The lowest 10% earned less than $43,650, and the highest 10% earned more than $122,840. Job Outlook Employment of accountants and auditors is projected to growby 10% between 2016 and 2026- faster than the average forall occupations. 2. Management Consultant Management consultantsor management analystscarry out a process for clients, not unlike the case analysis method used in many of the classes for business maj ors. They apply analytical and problem-solving skills to their projects and utilize the teamwork and presentation skills cultivated through their studies. Consultants are experts at gathering information, organizing it, and composing reports with their findings. Analysts are power users of technology as they process and represent data for their clients. They enlist the spreadsheet, database, and presentation tools so often applied to their class projects as business majors. Salary According to the BLS, the median annual income for management analysts in May 2018 welches $83,610. The lowest 10% earned less than $48,360 and the highest 10% earned more than $152,760. Job Outlook Employment of management analysts is projected to growby 14% between 2016 and 2026- faster than the average for all occupations. 3. Social Media Manager Social media managersutilize the tech savvy and knowledge of marketing communications acquired by business majors to coordinate their employers presence on sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. They enhance business activity, establish brand identity, and get the word out about their organization. Social media managers devise strategic plans, help develop content, and measure the impact of online campaigns. Social media managers enlist the support of staff to gather information for stories that can be placed on social media. Like business majors, they must be team players and have the finesse with people to coax cooperation when they dont possess formal authority over colleagues. Salary According to PayScale, social media managers earn an average salary of $49,340. Job Outlook There is a high demand for social media managers, as evidenced by the35,038 jobs posted on Indeedat the time this articlewelchespublished. 4. Financial Analyst Business majors learn to assessthe strengths and weaknesses of businesses and analyze trends in various industries.Financial analystscapitalize on those skills to e valuate companies, industries, and associated investments for clients or their parent company. They interpret financial statements, calculate ratios and other metrics, and write reports with recommendations for investments and the allocation of corporate resources. Financial analysts benefit from the coursework in accounting, finance, economics, and mathematics thatis traditionally part of a business major. Salary According to the BLS, the median annual income for financial analysts in May 2018 was $85,660. The lowest 10% earned less than $52,540, and the highest 10% earned more than $167,420. Job Outlook Employment of financial analysts is projected to growby 11% between 2016 and 2026- faster than the average for all occupations. 5. Actuary Business majors with a strong quantitative orientation to their background can become key players in the insurance industry byworking as an actuary. Actuaries calculate the probability of risky events occurring, such as death, injury, accide nts, fires, and illnesses, when insurance companies would be liable to pay out claims. They utilize knowledge of accounting, finance, and economics and carry out complex analyses of scenarios based on demographic profiles. Actuaries, like business majors, utilize spreadsheets, databases, and statistical software to conduct their analyses. In addition, they must have strong writing, presentation, and persuasive skills to secure support from colleagues for their proposals. Salary According to the BLS, the median annual income for actuaries in May 2018 was $102,880. The lowest 10% earned less than $61,140, and the highest 10% earned more than $186,110. Job Outlook Employment of actuaries is projected to growby 22% between 2016 and 2026- much faster than the averagegrowthrate for all occupations. 6. College Admissions Representative Salary Business majors who are interested in working in a college environment should consider a position with the admissions office as an option. Admiss ions staff draw upon the strong communication, presentation, and persuasive skills of the business major to reach out to prospective students. They develop marketing plans to strategically promote the college and encourage applications. Admissions staff, like business majors, must collaborate with other team members on projects and to deliver programs. Acollegeadmissionsrole is essentially a sales position for a college, so business majors with a strong foundation in sales and marketing and an outgoing personality arelikelytobesuccessful in this niche. According to Glassdoor, admissions representatives earna median income of $46,148. Job Outlook There are ample openings for college admissions representatives, with2701 vacancies on Indeedat the time this article was published. 7. Business Teacher Salary Educating high-school students about the business world is an option for business majors who also complete the teacher education requirements. Business majors need the broad-based knowledge gainedin marketing, management, finance, and accounting to carry out this role effectively. Strong verbal communication and interpersonal skills are required to engage students. Planning and presenting stimulatinglessons are key to success as a teacher. Business majors can draw upon the wide array of instructional approaches that they have encountered while completing their degree. According to the BLS, the median annual income for high-school teachers in May 2018 was $60,320. The lowest 10% earned less than $39,740, and the highest 10% earned more than $97,500. Job Outlook Employment of high-school teachers is projected to growby 8% between 2016 and 2026- about thesameastheaveragegrowthrate for all occupations. 8. Business Reporter Print, broadcast, and electronic media all provide extensive coverage of events and developments in the business and financial sectors. Business majors learn to analyze companies and industries and compose written summaries of their findin gs, just like reporters. They develop the communications and presentation skillsneeded to clearly articulate content about the business world. So if you are fascinated by business but would rather communicate about it than conduct business, business reporting might be for you. Salary According to the BLS, the median annual income for reporters in May 2018 was $41,260. The lowest 10% earned less than $23,490 and the highest 10% earned more than $100,930. Job Outlook Employment of reporters as a whole is projected to decline by 9% between 2016 and 2026,whichismuch lower than theaveragegrowthrate for all occupations. However, the proliferation of broadcast and online media coverage inrelationto economic and business developments should provide better opportunities for those specializing in business reporting. 9. Corporate Attorney Attorneys who practice corporate or business law benefit from the broad knowledge of business entities and practices acquired by business majors. The bus iness major develops a solid foundation for areas of corporate law like bankruptcy, securities, contracts, mergers, collections, business successions, and incorporations. The research, writing, and presentation skills developed by business majors help corporate lawyers to carry out their work. Business majors with solid academic records and LSAT scores can gain acceptance at elite law schools. Salary According to the BLS, the median annual wage for lawyers was $120,910 in May 2018. The lowest 10% earned less than $58,220, and the highest 10% earned more than $208,000. Job Outlook Employment of lawyers is projected to growby 8% between 2016 and 2026- about thesameastheaveragegrowthrate for all occupations. 10. Healthcare Administrator Administrators in the healthcare sector must have knowledge of accounting, budgeting, human resources, marketing, management, business law, ethics, and information technology- all subjects thatarecovered in the business curriculum. In addition, the teamwork, communication, analytical, and presentation skills of the business major are also critical to the success of a healthcare administrator. Many business majors with an interest in the field will go on to graduate work inhealthcare management. Salary According to the BLS, the median annual wage for medical and health service managers was $99,730 in May 2018. The lowest 10% earned less than $58,680, and the highest 10% earned more than $182,600. Job Outlook Employment of medical and health service managers is projected to growby 20% between 2016 and 2026- much faster than theaveragegrowthrate for all occupations.
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
How to Craft an Effective Business Card to Advance Your Career
How to Craft an Effective Business Card to Advance Your CareerHow to Craft an Effective Business Card to Advance Your CareerYes, Business Cards Still Matter. Heres How to Craft Good OnesWho needs geschftlicher umgang cards these days? You do.These days, your personal brand relies heavily on your digital presence, but be careful about shifting 100 percent to the digital realm. Dont give up on those trusty little cards just yet.Business cards are indeed still effective, and they can really come in handy. Think about this Youre at a networking auffhrung and you just met a VP of Marketing who just so happens to work for your dream employer and has direct connections to positions youre interested in. Naturally, you want to keep in hauch. Do you go online right then and there and make a LinkedIn connection? Awkward, right? Instead of pulling out your phone and scrolling through LinkedIn profiles mid-conversation, simply hand your new contact your effective geschftsleben card and do all the follow-up work later it will save time and come across as much more professional. Business cards are still the expected and fruchtwein respected method of sharing contact info during in-person meetings, so dont disappoint.If thats not enough to convince you to order a new platzset of business cards, maybe these other business card benefits will give you more incentive.Accurate informationIf youve ever been in a situation where youre trying to type someones email address into your phone during a conversation, you know it doesnt always go smoothly.How do you spell that?Is there a dot in between your first and last name?All kinds of questions can arise, and you or the other party can easily slip up and type something incorrectly. If that happens, your chances of keeping in touch significantly decline. And unfortunately, if the person you just met doesnt have accurate contact info for you, they arent likely to go out of their way to find it. Effective business cards eliminate this pro blem, as they contain accurate and up-to-date contact info, proper spelling and all.Showcasing your personalityYoud be surprised by how much personality you can fit into that 3.5-by-2-inch rectangle. One of the worst things you can do is use the basic, no-frills templates. You know these theyre the ones that business card websites offer for free or really cheap to lure you in.Take the time to showcase your personality rather than accept the minimum. Add your company logo or a graphic that represents you. Whatever you add, just make sure it reflects you as a professional and adds aesthetic value. Your personal brand will thank you.Affordable direct marketingBusiness cards are relatively affordable compared to a lot of direct marketing collateral. Think of them as a sort of tiny brochure. You hand them out at conferences, during meetings, and to people you connect with by chance. They can contain a brief message about you that states who you are and what you do, along with the tradit ional contact info to help someone get in touch.RelatedNetworking Event Tips How to Succeed at EventsSo, how exactly do you craft a business card, then?Great question There are a number of things you need to consider when crafting an effective business card. Here are just a fewFind the right balance of information. You want to exercise some caution too much information can make a card look sloppy, while too little can leave it looking empty and unprofessional. In order to avoid this, here are the basics you need to includeName and titleCompany nameEmail addressPhone numberWebsite address (if you have one)You can add additional info at your discretion, but generally, the above is all thats necessary.Select the right design. While you shouldnt accept the basic, no-frills option when ordering business cards, its perfectly OK to use an business card template. In fact, many templates will allow you to upload your own logo or other graphics, so even though you may not be the only person with that template, you can still personalize it.When it comes to a custom business card, make sure you know what youre doing you need to understand things like aspect ratio, pixels, space, and a number of other considerations. Otherwise, you may end up with a blurry, out-of-focus design when you go to print. If you dont understand design but still want to go the custom route, have a professional design it for you.Choose your cardstock. Thick, thin, or in between? All of these are fine options, but its best to avoid cards that are paper thin. The quality of your card says a lot about the quality of you as a professional, so dont give that new contact a card that will crumble and fold under the slightest bit of pressure.Shop around. This is the easy part of business card guidelines there are tons of options for ordering cards. Some are better than others, so check reviews before you make your purchase. You can go directly to a printing service, but typically going through websites i s cheaper and you can get just as high a quality as custom printers if you go with the right site. Not all sites will have the same variety of options for cuts, quality, and other aspects of your card, so do your research before you choose. Here are a few trusty options to help you get startedVistaprint Perhaps the most widely-recognized site, Vistaprint has great prices and lots of options.MOO MOO offers a premium stock, including luxe and cotton among others.Jukebox Its not the cheapest, but Jukebox offers really cool options where cards are definitely customizable. Ever considered a wooden business card?These are just a few of the many options available. Do your research, and dont settle. Find the best option for you before printing.Dont overlook the value of an effective business card. Theyre a great way to enhance your personal brand and help build your career. So create a set ASAP and start handing out your cardsClick on the following link for more networking advice.Make sure your resume matches your professional business cards with a free resume critique.Recommended ReadingPersonal Branding is Critical to Your Careers Future. Heres WhyNetwork Like an Expert Networking Tips from the Industrys FinestPersonal Branding 101 Creating Your Personal Brand
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Want to Know More About Waitress Resume?
Want to Know More About Waitress Resume? Waitress Resume Features Keep in mind, when applying for work, you want to provide off a formal, competent and expert impression. If thats the case, there are a few instructions that you need to follow for you to think of the best resume. The job of a server is among the entry points in the restaurant business but its the most challenging one. Always make sure you incorporate a photo of you (possibly a 2x2 sized picture would do) so that potential employers can get an idea regarding what you look like. How to Choose Waitress Resume Your email address will probably be applied as your logon name helping you to return to our website to revise the profile. Format your resume appropriately and guarantee that it is grammatically correct with the correct spelling. Theres no need to compose your resume in two or more pages. This objective examples will guide you just how to compose a great objective for a waitress resume. For you to do so , youve got to be familiar with qualifications of the job which youre applying for. If your resume is only one page its still very much appreciated. Naturally, each job will call for unique abilities and experiences, so make certain you read the job description with care and concentrate on the skills listed by the employer. If youre writing a resume for a particular job, attempt to highlight any responsibilities or skills that are related to the position that youre seeking. Resume Format If youre a fresh graduate with limited working experiences, place your academic accomplishments initially, especially if youve got good grades. Generally, the primary purpose of any resume is to highlight the abilities and get work. The very first big section of your resume is known as the Career Objective. Drafting an impressive resume can be tedious should you not understand how to do it. You will find two things you might already understand as soon as you begin to find work. Everybody ca n write resumes, but not everybody can write fantastic ones. Your probability of getting the job can become very slim when it happens. Just like any workplace, your new job is likely to have internal disarray that may stem from any range of issues. You must sell yourself to the hiring manager to receive hired, and you may do that by telling what you are able to contribute to them. ur resume builder makes it simple to create a well-written resume in a few minutes. Youre wondering in the event you should have a statement at the very top of your resume to grab the hiring managers interest. When youre exiting an old job and entering a new business, youll come face to face with an onslaught of issues that can appear daunting. Being a waitress is frequently a hard and thankless job. A cocktail waitress career provides a path that enables you to work all around the nation. In some facilities, employed as a waitress demands additional duties. The food retail company is consistentl y growing. Being a waiter or waitress isnt an effortless job. In addition, you can look for waitress jobs on Monster. The waitress needs to be friendly. She needs to make the table and keep the spoons and forks for the customers. In that situation, youve just arrive at the major dish The waiter or waitress work history section. A great waiter ought to be able to fulfill the requirements of the customer, even if theyre not being entirely affordable. Some could insist on a specific meal without a specific ingredient. Each man or woman should leave what theyre comfortable with and concentrate on their food and their company.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Master of her own fate 13-year-old begins postgraduate study
Master of herbei own fate 13-year-old begins postgraduate study Master of her own fate 13-year-old begins postgraduate studyPosted September 19, 2013, by Julia Watters Sushma Verma is 13 years old and is about to begin a Master of Microbiology. Sushma may be an intellectual prodigy who eased her way through high school by the age of seven, but you might want to consider what Sushmas family has had to sacrifice in the name of education. Living in a single-room apartment with her three younger siblings and parents in India, Sushma is well aware of what her family has given up so she could continue her studies. Her father even sold the familys only land for 25,000 rupees (approximately $420, significantly below its value) to aid her schooling, against the advice of friends. Its not the first time the family has seen academic excellence, with Sushmas older brother graduating with a degree in computer science in 2007 at the age of 14. The cold reality is that had Sushma been born into a more traditional Indian family, she would not have been afforded the right to explore her incredible acumen given that she is female and the family already has a high achieving son. Fortunately for Sushma, her parents have not only allowed her to study, but to choose her own path. The moral of the story? Never underestimate the importance of a supportive family and a lot of determination, especially when it comes to education.Bachelor of ScienceStudy modeOn CampusPayment optionsHECS-HELPUpfront paymentCourse guide+ FREE eBrochureEnquire Online Enquire OnlineScience ResourcesMolecular biologist sample resumeMolecular biologist sample cover letterCareer Insider StoriesProfessor Ian Frazer - ScientistInterested in becoming a?Market ResearcherSafety InspectorLife ScientistEnvironmental ScientistHealth Promotion PractitionerPopular Career Searchesinternship cover letter sample no experiencehigh level of accuracy examples scientistanswering science selection criteriaexample of a scien ce research selection criteriacover letter for health scienceScience CoursesGraduate Diploma of Data ScienceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Health SciencesEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Science (Occupational Therapy)Enquire Online Enquire OnlineMaster of Occupational Hygiene and ToxicologyEnquire Online Enquire OnlineJulia WattersRelated ArticlesBrowse moreMan on the moon astronaut careersFor many young kids, becoming an astronaut and flying through outer space is the ultimate job its right up there with other popular careers children aspire to, such as firefighter, super hero and princess.ScienceScience Stereotypes Mythbusted - Why You Should F**king Love ScienceDoes science have an image problem? As National Science Week kicks off, weve decided to delve deeper into the mysteries, myths and misconceptions surrounding careers in science.ScienceScience careers five top myths debunkedThe mad scientist archetype has long fuelled wild misconceptions about what goes o n behind closed laboratory doors. We put some of the most common industry myths under the microscope, to help you decide whether a career in science is right for you.
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